
Montpellier, France 15/16.04.2019. SOLD OUT!

Montpellier, France 15/16.04.2019. SOLD OUT!

What can you expect in Montpellier, France?

This time Greg Moment ( provides two-day-long workshops for wedding photographers in Montpellier, France.

First day – shooting and e-marketing advanced tips.

► You will see how Greg Moment uses natural light creating his images
► You will understand the power of video light, flashes, Icelight, LEDs and Dedolight
► You will see his posing techniques
► You will shoot and train (please, bring your cameras, lenses, flash with triggers)
► You will shoot and create new images for your portfolio
► You will learn how to choose the best location to shoot in new city
► You will have a chance to discuss your own style and correct your mistakes
► You will be motivated and receive hands on training
► You will see how to expose correctly and how Greg Moment interacts with models
► You will have an opportunity to shoot with video light and practice this perfect source of light
► You will have a chance to show how much you have understood
► You will learn advanced e-marketing tips

Second day – editing and retouching.

► You will learn his retouching technique in Lightroom, Capture One, Adobe Camera Raw or Photoshop
► You will receive hands on training and individual critique
► You will see his workflow and understand how to achieve „clean” picture at the end
► You will see how Greg Moment creates his vision and style in Photoshop at the end, using Wacom's tablet.



Details available here.


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